Alcoholic beverages are far from the last among food products. Friends, meaningful, happy and sad encounters, even just to increase your appetite - everything goes with the use of alcohol. However, intoxicating drinks differ in strength, which does not have a positive effect for a person. Therefore, you need to know which alcohol is least harmful to the body.
Alcohol risk rating
Any food that contains at least 1. 5% ethyl alcohol is alcoholic. Alcoholic beverages are systematized by the level of C₂H₅OH, type of raw material used, type of production and aging criteria.
- low content - beer, wine;
- alto - vodka, sugar cane rum, gin, grain whiskey, grape brandy and more.
All drinks are made from different types of raw materials.
The first can be divided into the following categories:
- based on grapes - cognac, wine, Italian grappa;
- grains - whiskey, beer groups, vodka;
- fruit and berry - apple calvados, liqueur, liqueur;
- herbs - balm, rum, Mexican tequila, wormwood.
Each alcoholic beverage has its own ethanol content.
The presence of the latter can be divided as follows:
- high - from 67 to 96% of the volume of the container;
- normal - from 31 to 66;
- average - from 9 to 30;
- low - from 1, 5 to 9.
The last line includes everyone's favorite beer, national products with low alcohol content, kvass, palm toddy, shandy.
Medium ethanol drinks are represented by wines, mulled wine, punch, mead.
The highest step is occupied by vodka, armagnac, tequila, rum, absinthe and other intoxicating liquids. Drinking ethyl alcohol is the leader. The volume of alcohol reaches 95%.
It is believed that the main damage to health is the degree of the drink, however, when using weak products containing alcohol, you can cause damage no less than strong ones.
Characteristics of less harmful alcohol
Judgments about intoxicating liquids vary considerably. Some nutritionists argue that drinking drinks is healthy, while others are harmful to health.
The criteria for less harmful alcohol include the following factors:
- The degree of its quality.
- The amount of ethanol.
- Flavor additions.
- Performance.
According to medical experts, vodka is considered less harmful to health. Of course, this condition is met with minimal usage.
This conclusion is conditioned by the following factors:
- low-calorie content;
- absence of a harmful carbonyl group;
- for the simplicity of an alcoholic liquid - water with alcohol.
Quality product consumed almost never causes hangover syndrome. But that doesn't mean you can drink vodka without measure. To avoid poisoning, fatty foods should be a snack.
However, experts characterize authentic grape wines as the least safe alcohol in relation to the liver. The bush fruit has no harmful residues. If you do not separate the peel from the fruits, you get a red wine, recognized as the most beneficial for health.
This is due to the fact that the vitamins in the peel pass into a liquid alcoholic medium, saturating the body with microelements, nitrogenous organic compounds.
Antioxidants improve the functioning of the circulatory system and rejuvenate cells. Wine is used successfully to isolate the extract, which is used to make injections and various cosmetics.
The effect of alcohol on the body

Alcohol is considered one of the most powerful and harmful poisons and is equated with a drug. In addition to addiction, an intoxicating drink negatively affects the functioning of external and internal human organs. By gradually killing the cells, alcohol contributes to the development of many chronic pathologies.
Table of the negative effects of alcohol on the main human organs:
Internal organs and systems | Effect of alcoholic beverages |
GIT | • destruction of the small intestine; • doctors usually repair a burn in the larynx; • development of duodenal ulcers; • chronic gastritis; • the work of the digestive system is interrupted; • food settles down in the form of toxins and starts to decompose. |
Liver | The cells of this organ are more susceptible to the influence of alcohol, since it is involved in processing and division at the molecular level. However, this is not the main function of the liver. After a short period of time, it wears out, its size decreases. Ultimately, the body will not be able to eliminate toxins. Diseases of this organ lead to brain pathologies and death. |
Vases and heart | • an increase in the size of the heart muscle; • scars; • heart attack; • death. |
Nervous system | Alcohol quickly dissolves fat, which is 60% in nerve cells. Therefore, the C₂H₅OH molecules are actively absorbed, become accommodated, which leads to the excitation of the central nervous system and the body relaxes. As a result, intoxication occurs. Over time, alcohol builds up and slows nerve endings. |
Reproductive function | The effect of alcohol on the male body: • decreased sperm motility; • sexual impotence; • infertility. Risks of alcohol use in women: • failure of the menstrual cycle; • narrowing of the fallopian tubes; • reduction of the uterus; • the egg has no time to ripen; • infertility. |
Brain activity | Even a supposedly permissible dose of alcohol (50 grams per day) eliminates several 1000 neurons in the brain. This impact cannot be reversed. Ethanol causes erythrocytes to stick together as a result of the development of capillary block. In addition, the cells die and there is a lack of oxygen. |
Respiratory system | Alcohol consumption is associated with the following lung diseases: • arrhythmia; • chronic diseases; • hypertension; • tuberculosis; • inflammation. |
Kidneys | The kidneys are the most harmful when drinking alcohol, because under the influence of alcohol they are forced to work several times more, removing toxins. |
Immune system | The damage to alcohol immunity lies in the deficiency of essential vitamins, macro and microelements. In addition, dehydration and increased workload from other organs and systems do not allow protective forces to restore human health. |
Liver and alcohol
The liver most affected by alcoholic beverages. It processes 90% of the fluids used by humans, including harmful ones. The cells of the organ die quickly, are replaced by fat, the ducts contract and the body itself is significantly reduced in size.
The condition leads to the formation of an incurable disease - alcoholic cirrhosis. The internal organ has no antitoxic function, which leads to the slow death of a person. Any drink that contains alcohol is harmful as it contains additional harmful components.
The table below summarizes some of them:
Beer | The most harmful alcoholic beverage. There is a diuretic effect that increases the content of poison in the blood. |
Cocktails and energy |
These foods include many food additives, dyes that have a negative effect on the liver. |
Sparkling wine wine |
Carbon dioxide increases the absorption of alcohol in the digestive tract, exceeding the permitted norm. |
Sweet liquor drinks |
Contains a lot of sucrose, which increases the load on the liver. |
Considering the application, we can say that the absence of alcoholic beverages does not have a strong effect on the liver, regardless of its concentration or production characteristics.
The effect of alcohol on the stomach
Alcohol is a chemical substance almost entirely absorbed by the body, but which intensifies the production of harmful oxygen active groups. The element oxidizes cell tissue, organs of the digestive tract.
Even a small amount of alcohol consumed causes the stomach to produce high levels of acid, which later turns into gastritis, causing vomiting, diarrhea and internal bleeding. A similar condition can cause cancer in the oral cavity, nasopharynx, tongue and pancreas.
The least damaging result of the drink is reflux, which burns the mucous membrane of the larynx produced by the acid. The appearance of an ulcer - an open and painful wound on the inner walls of the stomach, is another fact of the excessive consumption of an intoxicated drink.
The condition makes it difficult to digest food and interrupts the metabolic process. Alcohol reduces the number of digestive enzymes that the pancreas produces to break down fats and carbohydrates.
Alcohol and the brain
The central part of the nervous system described is the most efficient oxygen consumer. Excessive alcohol consumption interferes with access to O2to nerve cells in the gray matter due to poisoning.
The result is dementia, resulting in massive neuronal death. Intense consumption of the intoxicated drink affects the cells of the cerebral cortex, resulting in brain exhaustion.
The effect of alcohol on the pancreas
This organ does not contain enzymes that break down alcohol, so harmful drinks directly affect the pancreas. Here, protein buffers are formed that retain calcium, which is expressed by the formation of stones and leads to pancreatitis.
Molecules from the alcoholic environment contribute to damage to gland cells. Preceding chronic alcoholic disease, an increasing number of proteins in the juice of food. The latter obstruct the small excretory channels of the organ, promoting the proliferation of connective tissue with scars - fibrosis.
Kidney and alcohol
A person who drinks has a disturbed excretory process in the kidneys that regulates his activity. The system of the adrenal glands is constantly malfunctioning, the protective tissue of the hollow organ that lines its internal shell is disrupted.
Dysbacteriosis as a result of drinking alcohol
The presence of the described pathology completely prohibits the use of alcoholic beverages. The latter and carbonated, lead to inflammatory processes on the intestinal surface. It is also not recommended to use alcoholic beverages to treat dysbiosis, which is due to the lack of therapy results.
Alcohol accelerates the passage of biological barriers, which explains the passage of toxins from the intestine, digested proteins that are true allergens.
Additional properties of less harmful alcoholic beverages
Various food additives present in the intoxicating drink aggravate the effect of alcohol. To make alcohol less harmful to the liver and other internal organs, they must be consumed with natural, non-synthetic ingredients.

The sweet substance is found in many alcoholic products - liqueurs, sparkling wines, intoxicating cocktails. The products are characterized by high calorie content, which increases the load on the human body.
Harmful viscous alcohol is not recommended for people who have:
- overweight; gallbladder removed;
- pathology of the pancreas.
People with liver disease or hepatitis should not drink like this.
Pressure increase
The effects of wine-based drinks are not yet fully understood. It contains organic substances, amino acids, various tannins. Red wine increases the nitrogen content, causing vasodilation, increased blood flow. Therefore, after use, the pressure decreases.
However, the alcoholic effect lasts quickly, the heart muscle begins to increase contractions, ejecting new portions of blood, leading to increased pressure.
Rules of use
A person has the right to calculate the highest daily dose of alcohol that will not have a strong negative effect on the body. The formula looks like this:
20: 0, 966: by degree of drink × 100.
Based on the calculations, you can provide the allowed volume of alcohol consumed in ml:
- vodka - 51;
- fortified wine - 103; dry, normal - 172;
- beer - 415.
If a person doesn't want to stop their addictions, they can drink 20 grams a day. pure alcohol, which has no pronounced effect on the liver. However, it is recommended to follow the following rule - you should not drink alcohol more than twice a week.
The only exception is true dry red wines. A man can drink 50 g of the drink daily, a woman - 30.
Alcohol assessment
The harmful effects of alcohol have been known to mankind for hundreds of years. Once in the body, ethanol breaks it down. The strength of the poisoning depends on the quantity and type of the intoxicated person. Below are the most harmful alcoholic beverages in the ranking.
The familiar male drink is in the last stage. There are no dyes, flavors or other harmful additives here. Vodka can be considered the best alcoholic product in the diet. But that doesn't mean drinking without measure or mixing with cocktails.
However, vodka has disadvantages:
- frequent poisoning;
- increased use;
- commercial companies usually sell a replacement, a scam.
The hangover is rated at three out of 10.
The described drink can be attributed to a medicine.
The benefits of red wine include:
- prevents the formation of blood clots, all types of inflammation;
- reduces the concentration of harmful cholesterol;
- resveratrol- natural phytoalexin, an antioxidant that resists aging of the body.
The disadvantages are the presence of harmful methanol. Overuse leads to a strong hangover.
White wine is less healthy, but it reduces the concentration of cholesterol due to chemical compounds. The liquid medium of the grape is saturated with harmful sulfites, which are added by the manufacturer of the product, which cause severe toxic symptoms that occur after 3 glasses of alcohol. It causes allergic reactions, asthma, migraines and dental diseases.
Signs of alcohol intoxication are assessed at 6 points.
These products are medium and strong. The great presence of sugar leads to the fact that it is used in the preparation of cocktails.
Usually denotes the following types:
- Fortified - up to 45% alcohol, 50% sugar.
- Dessert - 30-30%, respectively.
- Creams - 15-23-60%.
The advantages of this type of hops are sweetness, the content of useful herbal ingredients, plant roots, flowers.
The disadvantage is the high sugar level, high calorie content, sometimes causing allergies, an unpleasant feeling in the stomach.
The intoxicated drink contains a minimum amount of harmful food additives, has a vasodilatory effect and leads to the death of some pathogenic microbes. The daily intake should not exceed 50 ml, women - 30 years.
- elimination of gastric spasms;
- without additives;
- appetite stimulation;
- normalization of blood pressure;
- humility of headaches.
A large number of restrictions are inherent to the disadvantages - hypertension, addiction, diabetes, high calorie content. Increased use leads to acute vascular failure.
Alcohol syndrome - 8 units.
Alcohol is made from barley with additives (hops, yeast).
Positive indicator - low 3-8 ° harmful ethanol content, as well as the following factors:
- prevents the development of coronary heart disease;
- silicon restores bones;
- removes aluminum salts, other metals, carcinogens;
- helps with hair growth;
- low calorie content;
- thiamine, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, nicotinic.
A pint of beer with alcohol contains a quarter of the daily value of B vitamins.
Negative factors:
- the increase in uric acid leads to the development of gout;
- inhibits digestion due to easy absorption;
- cobalt causes inflammation of the esophagus and stomach.
Frequent use of this type of alcohol causes obesity and heart disease.
Sparkling wines
Champagne is classified next. The antioxidants present restore nerve fibers, the chemical composition has a bactericidal effect, promotes blood circulation, reduces harmful cholesterol and dilates blood vessels.
However, there is rapid intoxication, due to the presence of carbon dioxide bubbles, it contributes to the occurrence of liver pathologies, slows down digestion.
Alcohol hangover - 7.
There is a medical opinion that the product slows down the development of malignant tumors. However, overuse leads to mental disorders, anger, delirium tremens.
The totality of alcohol symptoms - 8 units.
The list goes on with brandy. The intoxicating environment of the drink contains a large number of antioxidants that slow aging, ascorbic acid. Due to numerous impurities, the most serious alcohol poisoning is observed - 9.
Alcoholic cocktails
The presence of alcohol, gas, sugar creates a dangerous mixture for health. The latter causes rapid intoxication, saturates the blood and, as a result, dynamic glucose absorption occurs.
The most harmful alcohol is energy drinks that contain C₂H₅OH. A strong alcoholic liquid along with them brings tangible damage to Organs internal organs. Aggression, increased suicidal tendencies, loss of consciousness is observed.
It is recommended to choose alcoholic beverages in which the alcohol content is less harmful to health. They are natural red and white wines.